I’m writing this note at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic and so far, the only certainty in the situation has been, well, uncertainty.

In 1958, a new language lab was installed on the Mount Mary campus, and the process of learning a world language was transformed.

It all happened so quickly. Emily Boutcher ’18, had intended to study dietetics when she transferred to Mount Mary in 2016. She had not been here long when she learned about food science, a new program at the time.

Taylor Robinson is a first-year student at Mount Mary and is part of the first group to go through the Compass Year. She describes her experiences here.

At the touch of a button, the world opens up
The walls of the classroom are white, and so are the tables and chairs that face a large screen. Like a blank canvas, it is designed to transport students well beyond its walls using virtual reality (VR) technology.

威海出入境管理服务工作持续优化-山东公安-中国警察网:2021-7-10 · 【编者按】近年来,威海市公安局围绕经济社会发展大局,把“简政放权、放管结合、优化服务、转变职能”作为重中之重,以全面深化公安改革为契机,坚持改革驱动、开拓进取、务实创新,不断延伸服务触角,持续优化服务举措,全力推动出入境管理工作“放管服”改革,使出入境管理工作向 ...
Plugging the leaks in Milwaukee’s talent pipeline is an effort being waged across the region, and Mount Mary is engaging in community initiatives and developing strategies within the institution to support more students.

Meet the leading lady behind Mount Mary's study abroad programs
As a teacher, world traveler, trained counselor and director of international studies, Nan Metzger draws on a variety of experiences and skills to enrich students’ academic journeys through study abroad programs.

Celebrity designers and social media influencers have skewed the public’s impression of fashion. Ashley Brooks explains how her students learn what really matters.

The strategic plan that was approved this past summer is moving forward at a swift pace. Read a brief overview of the work being done in each of the categories of the strategic plan.

Christ King Chapel, located in the lower level of Notre Dame Hall, has been redesigned as a shared interfaith space that students of all backgrounds and faith traditions can enjoy.

Celebrating 100 years
2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment, granting women’s right to vote. As we celebrate this landmark milestone, we reflect back on the women of Mount Mary exercising their right to vote—from the early years within the School Sisters of Notre Dame to the students of today.

SSNDs to move into an intergenerational housing complex at Mount Mary
The School Sisters of Notre Dame, whose presence and leadership have powered the spirit of Mount Mary, are returning to campus for good.

Imagine a blueprint that will not only envision a future, but one that outlines the steps that will help us reach this new place.

Get an inside look at the new spaces on Mount Mary's campus
盗版剧瑟瑟发抖!盘点近年的网络影视整顿事件 - huanqiu.com:2021-6-11 · 这些年在网络影视正版化过程中,发生了一次次盗版资源的整顿事件,对中国网络生态造成了深远的影响。今天,就一起来回顾一下那些曾经轰动一时的网络影视整顿事件,大家都还记得吗?BTChina,这是一个稍有资历的网民都相当熟悉的名字。

The year was 1855 and Mother Caroline Freiss, who had come to Milwaukee five years earlier, was searching the countryside for additional land to support the order’s growing mission.

Fania Davis shares strategies for restorative justice
Social activist and civil rights attorney Fania Davis visited campus Oct. 7-10 to share her practical knowledge of restorative justice with students, faculty and the community.

Every building has a story. See how a refreshed Notre Dame Hall communicates our community's past, present and future.
After a busy summer of construction, a renovation that lies at the very heart of our campus is complete.

This Mount Mary tradition celebrates a rich history and a growing future
Two traditions have bookended students’ academic journeys at Mount Mary for over 85 years, the Investiture and pre-commencement ceremonies. Each ceremony shares a connection, a lantern that contains a candle symbolizing the light of learning.

Ever since she was young, a middle child with six siblings, Antoneisha Jones has displayed an extraordinary sense of independence. When she set her goal to be the first member of her family to graduate from college, she knew it would take effort – 60 hour workweeks are typical – and massive determination.

As a business owner, architecture project manager and contributing writer on the leadership forum of Forbes.com, Barbara Armstrong, M.S., was an established thought leader before she left her field to join Mount Mary.

This fall, the Starving Artists’ Show celebrated its milestone 50th show, a testament to the driving force behind the operation, the Alumnae Association and volunteers.

Colorful past inspires her work with undecided students
Wendy Weaver, who spent a number of years guiding tourists safely through the wilds of Alaska, is accustomed to taking on new challenges at Mount Mary with the same effervescent spirit and can-do attitude.

The women philosophers of Mount Mary are transforming the field, enlarging the canon of known philosophers and teaching philosophy in a style that is inclusive of all people.

Expands academic programming, brings restorative justice leader to campus
For more than 45 years, the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellows (WWVF) program offered through the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) has brought prominent artists, diplomats, journalists, business leaders and other nonacademic professionals to campuses across the United States for substantive dialogue with students, faculty members and the local community. The Women’s Leadership Institute at Mount Mary University is excited to bring this prestigious program to campus for the first time in fall 2019, made possible in part through endowments established by Virginia Cornyn ’62 and Nancy Cheski ’65.

Nursing 1-2-1 student strives to reach her goal of helping children sooner
Yesenia Mata has wanted to be a nurse ever since she experienced for herself the positive effect a good nurse can have on their patients.
“Just seeing how much of an impact a nurse can have on a child’s emotions in a setting that isn’t desirable makes me see how much of an impact I could have,” said Mata, who went through a series of surgeries as a child.

How a unique program enables professionals to become teachers
Heather Strosin ’17 had worked in the corporate world before becoming a paraprofessional at the Milwaukee Academy of Chinese Language, where she discovered her calling to work with children who have special needs.

Lisa Breitsprecker, Senior Development Officer
Lisa is an experienced fundraising professional with a head for data-driven results and a heart for the intentions of donors.

With an almost superhuman ability to be practically everywhere on campus at once, walkie-talkie in hand and keys jingling at her side, S. Georgeann Krzyzanowski ’66 has been a constant force for over 40 years.

16 weeks. One show. A million details.
At the very start of the semester, the fashion merchandise management students realize they have a life-changing experience ahead of them. From that moment in January, students in the Fashion Show Coordination class learn about the huge undertaking that will consume their hearts and minds for more than 15 weeks, culminating in the CREO fashion show on May 10.

Taking Students from Undecided to Unstoppable
Students who enter college undecided about their major face many challenges, including the fear of wasted time and money, as well as parents who aren’t sure they want to invest in education without an end game in mind. To address this issue, Mount Mary University has created the Compass Year. The program will begin in fall and will assist students in their search and keep them on track to graduate in four years.

“新基建”施工图明晰 多方加速布局_中国青年创业频道_中国 ...:2021-5-26 · 比如,加速5G网络建设和场景应用,完善新型基础设施布局,推动超高清视频、虚拟现实等新兴消费;推进5G、物联网、车联网、工业互联网、人工智能、一体化大数据中心等新型基础设施投资等。
It is one of the most powerful and personal questions a person can ask of another: How did you become who you are? The question is only seven words, yet the answer draws upon a lifetime of experiences. In order to help our students through the self-discovery process, members of the faculty, staff and administration are learning to express the stories of their own personal journeys.

中国空中Wi-Fi市场预期达百亿(2) - 旅游 - 新京报网:2021-5-10 · 去年起中国航空Wi-Fi布局加速,未来将带动空中购物消费新模式 (上接D06版) 现状 2021年起中国航空空中Wi-Fi布局加速 作为过渡,我国很多航空公司 ...

Mount Mary student Julia Wachuta shares her experience working on the longform journalism project on suicide prevention in Milwaukee.

Strategic Planning Will Bring Mount Mary to a New and Different Place
As Mount Mary enters the last year of the 2016-2019 strategic plan, it is time to consider our way forward into the future.

环球网_全球生活新门户_环球时报旗下网站 - huanqiu.com:2 天前 · 环球网是中国领先的国际资讯门户,拥有独立采编权的中央重点新闻网站。环球网秉承环球时报的国际视野,力求及时、客观、权威、独立地报道新闻,致力于应用前沿的互联网技术,为全球化时代的中国互联网用户提供与国际生活相关的资讯服务、互动社区。
Even though her journey was cut short due to an injury, Madeline gained valuable lessons of humility and gratitude. “There occurs a shedding of the old self, which provides space for the new self to emerge and grow. In this vulnerability, one becomes humbled and this, in turn, provides an openness to receiving the gift of grace. I became so very humbled on this journey, and from that daily experience of humility flowed such gratitude for the many blessings of the Spirit,” Madeline shares.

中国空中Wi-Fi市场预期达百亿(2)_旅游周刊·航空_新京报电子报:2021-5-10 · 免费很难支撑起空中Wi-Fi的未来,商业化才是未来趋势。 国际上,虽然也有航空公司免费提供,但是大多航空公司都收取服务费。 各国航空公司空中Wi-Fi收费模式主要有按航段、流量、使用时间、设备数量和内容点播以及24小时共享模式收费,也有包年和包月的计费方式。
Students, faculty and staff gathered for a memorial service this summer for biology professor Maureen Leonard, who passed away unexpectedly on July 5. Leonard had been a member of the faculty since 2009.

Organizations present real-world challenges, and Mount Mary community members use their newfound skills to listen and brainstorm solutions.
江苏一网吧为吸引学生上网 安装翻墙软件被查处__中国青年网:2021-12-9 · 嫌生意清淡,淮安盱眙的一家网吧老板打起了周边学校学生的注意,为了招揽学生上网消费,他在电脑上安装了一款翻墙软件:可以让学生不刷身份 ...

Meet the Leading Lady Lynn Diener
Lynn Diener, professor and sciences department chair, can prove to students that science and creativity are not exclusive to one another. And with an office full of colorful 3D models and past student projects, the evidence is conclusive.

Jessica Stallings has an impressive list of credentials: she is an award-winning researcher, clinician and leading expert in the application of art therapy with individuals with autism spectrum disorders. She is a Mount Mary student, too.

In 1942 she was known as Sister Mary Ignatia, Mount Mary’s registrar, but to the three Luxem sisters she was “Aunt Mamie.” Every summer the girls would travel from Indiana to visit their aunt, and those fond memories began the sisters’ lifelong commitment to Mount Mary.

Educators don’t set out to be mentors. We teach. But there are times a surprising connection is made between teacher and student. Sometimes that turns into a decade, or even a lifetime, of friendship and support, encouragement and life stories. There may be shared Christmas cards or social media posts — a quick note celebrating a life passage, perhaps a Ph.D., a career change. Before long, that teaching relationship has shifted and we’ve fallen into a mentoring relationship that feels an awful lot like friendship.

An appetizer or light meal, Sopa Negra, or black bean soup, is a classic Costa Rican dish, and can be found throughout Latin America . This meal provides a quick, healthy and simple way to experience another culture’s food!

Mount Mary alumnae and friends consistently describe how their Mount Mary experience changed their lives. Many alums say they wish they could do more to support the students of today, but they aren’t sure if they can, or know how to give more while staying within their budget.

Jeannette Ingabire of Rwanda Possesses a Global Perspective Influenced by the Culture of Her Home and Mount Mary
Jeannette’s background, combined with her Mount Mary education, has shaped her understanding of community service.

Meet the Leading Lady Anne Vravick
Three years ago, Anne Vravick ’05 was part of a group proposing the idea of a food science program to Mount Mary’s leadership team. It’s been a whirlwind ever since for Vravick, the primary faculty member in the program, teaching Food Science Nutrition, Food Regulatory Standards Food Chemistry I and II, Intro to Food Engineering and Food Processing.

When 750 people packed inside a church on Milwaukee’s South Side to hold a structured, respectful exchange with the city’s chief of police, they not only proposed safety solutions for the neighborhood, they displayed the power of coordinated action.

School Sisters of Notre Dame Open North American Archives at Mount Mary
A newly remodeled space in the lower level of Bergstrom Hall now houses the documents that detail the legacy of courage, leadership and vision of the SSNDs in North America.
When Brita Kuhrmeier Schumacher ’99 went to Korea to teach English to kindergarteners, she made an astonishing discovery herself: Students there could speak Korean, Chinese and English perfectly, because most elementary schools incorporated foreign language in the curriculum. She returned home a year later, determined to bring this same experience to elementary school children in the United States.

In a ceremony that drew strongly upon themes of community, Mount Mary University officially installed its 12th president, Christine Pharr, Ph.D., on April 20.

2021年3月24日/ 星期二 4 “云平台”为稳就业打开新思路:2021-3-24 · 品网络建设、推进5G 产业稳步发展、加速5G 行业融合应用、提升5G 技术研发实力4 个 方面重点发力。 (房雅雯) “云平台”为稳就业打开新思路 江苏4万余名高校毕业生“云端”求职 杭州出台举措支持旅游业 设立专项纾困资金鼓励景区免费开放 盐城
In today’s world of fashion, it takes more than technical skills and creativity to become a designer. Students need a high degree of technological proficiency to work, create and operate the industry tools of today.

From the Summer 2017 special edition of the Wisconsin Teacher of Mathematics, dedicated to Sister Mary Patronia Van Straten. Sister Petronia Van Straten began teaching at Mount Mary in 1947, served as chairman of the math department for over 20 years beginning in 1965, and continued to teach up until her death in January, 1987. She died just short of 40 years of service at Mount Mary. “Her influence helped to shape the Mathematics Department at Mount Mary College … and mathematics education within the United States.”

Personal acts and philanthropic gifts support mental health, particularly for students
Just the other day at Barnes & Noble, Billie Kubly ’57 struck up a light conversation with the salesclerk. The clerk asked, how many children do you have? Without hesitation Billie answered, “Seven – but one died of depression.”

Technology unleashes potential for bringing math and science to life
首届“龙蟠杯”世界十佳变速器评选活动正式启动 - huanqiu.com:2021-6-19 · 6月18日,由中国汽车评价研究院主办、龙蟠润滑油冠名赞助的首届“龙蟠杯”世界十佳变速器评选活动在合肥正式启动。中国汽车评价研究院院长、中国欧洲经济技术合作协会副会长、自主汽车分会会长李庆文、江苏龙蟠科技股份有限公司董事长石俊峰、北京航空航天大学交通科学与工程学院教授徐 ...

Mount Mary is a gem that glows brightly from lives transformed. You, our alumnae and our friends, carry our message into the world.
百度云加速宣布SSL证书免费 全面推动 HTTPS 化:2021-5-24 · 震惊!揭秘网络女主播的奢侈生活 美腿和救生衣并存的海滩 相关新闻 腾讯宣布正式开放腾讯云 马云李彦宏马化腾短兵相接 云巢桌面云免费PC初体验 云家电:“云”渐行渐近 浮云还是祥云? 个人云服务那片远在天边的“云”(图)

How undecided majors become equipped with knowledge
“What’s your passion?” This deep question makes a lot of women uncomfortable, said Jena Mahne, career counselor at Mount Mary University. And that’s why she starts her career exploration class with the following declaration: We have a dysfunctional belief about passion.

Mount Mary's new program increases our expertise in the science of food
What’s for dinner? That is an exciting topic – lunch and breakfast are, too – with Mount Mary’s brand new program in food science and the opening of a completely renovated food lab.

There are three good reasons why Andrea Petersen is almost always wearing a lab coat around Mount Mary’s Gerhardinger Center.
There are three good reasons why Andrea Petersen is almost always wearing a lab coat around Mount Mary’s Gerhardinger Center.

A look at the women who have planned their legacy
Inherent in all of us who have been educated in the tradition of the School Sisters of Notre Dame is the desire to leave something behind, a legacy and heritage of the things we care about deeply.

A member of the English faculty since 2011, Keenan has recently been named director of the Caroline Scholars program. Passionate about social justice, Keenan appreciated the directorship as an opportunity to cultivate bravery by acting as a role model for the Scholars.

Pat DeGroot, '64, traveled thousands of miles to support Stella Maris, a boarding school for girls ages 6-20 in Nsube, Uganda. And that's just one continent. She's been transforming lives across three continents.
Pat DeGroot began her week in Israel. That Monday, she wrapped up a three-month volunteer stint as an administrator at an archaeological park in the Negev Desert.

For anything to grow in the desert, it must be watered. But the irrigation system at the 55-acre Tamar Biblical Park always seems to be in need of repair.
【聚焦教育信息化】一根网线,串起城乡课堂-东北网教育-东北网:2021-4-3 · 2021年底,国家教育资源公共服务平台上线运行,面向全国教育机构、师生和家长,通过互联网提供优质数字教育资源服务和实名制网络学习空间。 截至2021年5月底,平台提供1900余万条基础教育资源的检索和下载,内容覆盖1—12年级共计772个学科版本教材,且所有资源全部免费向广大中小学开放。

How will I make a difference? The question that challenges all young Mount Mary students, and it follows us through our lives as we grow, engage and shape our personal legacies.

Pair believes creativity in the science is cultivated through experimentation
抢票软件变黄牛 加速包抢不过手动买票_国内新闻 | BBRTV ...:2021-12-29 · 近年来,加速包已成为出行APP的标配,宣称花几十块钱可以提升抢票成功率。 以飞猪APP为例,抢票速度分为低速、快速、高速和光速。其中,低速抢票为免费,而快速、高速和光速分别收费20元,40元及60元,网络通道分别加速50兆、200兆、800兆。

Dr. Bruce Moon’s 16 years at Mount Mary has been marked by milestones including numerous presentations and published books, in addition to a pioneering spirit that led to the creation of the Doctorate in Art Therapy Program — the first of its kind in the United States.

Championing change in the face of profound social and economic challenges requires a fortitude of spirit.

We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us.

Creative initiatives flourish all over campus and Milwaukee
Five years ago, President Eileen Schwalbach set Mount Mary’s Creative Campus into motion.

When Erica Marion was 6 years old, she told her parents she wanted to be a doctor. Now completing her junior year at Mount Mary with a major in biology, her options have expanded beyond medical school.

Dr. Christine Pharr, a higher education administrator with more than 20 years of experience, will become the 12th president in July.

考试频道-黑龙江网络广播电视台-列表页 - HLJTV:2021-6-18 · 12月30日 16:40 初三生备战期末考试:切勿囫囵吞枣 6月18日 10:27 七政街道关工委与南岗进修附中共同举办“放飞青春梦想”爱国主义教育报告会 5月5日 14:42 哈尔滨市市直及所属事业单位公招 即日起可查笔试成绩 5月5日 14:41 黑龙江重点高中配额生最低录取控制分数线下延
Sandrea Smith, justice major, knew she wanted to help educate people about crimes and legislation concerning violence against indigenous women.

《绝地求生》吃鸡卡顿怎么办 国服最新免费加速器分享-社会 ...:2021-3-31 · 绝地求生大逃杀加速器哪个好 首先我们要知道一个问题,为什么我家网速100M,还需要加速器才能玩网游? 看了上面这张图 我想大家都明白 延迟和 ...

As food makes its way from farm to fork, there are critical links in the delivery system that require a generous portion of science, including ensuring freshness, quality and safety.

Mount Mary alumna is a HGTV star and interior designer on the rise
Could you describe yourself in 25 words? Jamie (Gumieny) Fink, ’03 can. Fink has the distinct ability to keep things simple, despite her growing accolades in the world of interior design.

Campus spirit is more than sporting blue and white
【聚焦教育信息化】一根网线,串起城乡课堂-东北网教育-东北网:2021-4-3 · 2021年底,国家教育资源公共服务平台上线运行,面向全国教育机构、师生和家长,通过互联网提供优质数字教育资源服务和实名制网络学习空间。 截至2021年5月底,平台提供1900余万条基础教育资源的检索和下载,内容覆盖1—12年级共计772个学科版本教材,且所有资源全部免费向广大中小学开放。

There’s nothing like a great role model to help one strive for achievement, and it’s no different for the local community of Milwaukee-area writers.

Gardening has always been a hobby for Ncais, but when she was exploring internship opportunities, it became a calling
Gardening has always been a hobby of Ncais Vang, and when she was exploring internship opportunities, it became a calling. Ncais, a sociology major and nutrition minor, has a deep interest in creating healthy communities.

Even after 47 years, this annual favorite among arts lovers still generates the same level of enthusiasm and anticipation
Mount Mary University’s Starving Artists’ Show took place Sept. 11 on campus. And even after 47 years, this annual favorite among arts lovers still generated the same level of enthusiasm and anticipation.

Associated Collegiate Press awards Termeria Taper prestigious award
What is the spirit of feminism on an all-women’s campus, during an election year when the first woman is running for president? Student reporter Termeria Taper tackled the issue in her story, “F*#!nism: Not a Dirty Word” for the student publication, Arches. These awards are often referred to as the Pulitzer Prizes of student journalism.

The Succeed Scholars Program will provide 25 scholarships annually to Clinical Mental Health Counseling master's students
In late October, Mount Mary held its official welcome for the 25 graduate students in counseling known as “Succeed Scholars,” a program put in place through a significant award by the federal government. The Succeed Scholars Program is funded through an award from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and will provide 25 scholarships annually for four years to students in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling master’s program.

Seated behind the desk of her office, Mount Mary President Eileen Mihm Schwalbach is ensconced in not only the rich 103-year history of the institution, but how her time leading the community has intersected with a foundation first laid by the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

Mount Mary's Hmong designers integrate and celebrate ethnic styles
Fashion design students Panyia Xiong and Beth Yang feel exhilarated by what took place at this year’s Fashion Week in New York City.

Natasha Tang is ready to achieve her dreams of a career in pharmacy
Natasha Tang, ’18, learned to read a prescription, code a label, research patient profiles, locate medications on the pharmacy shelves and operate a cash register. All this, on her very first day of her internship.